Karolien Van der Putten

Karolien Van der Putten focuses her practice on European law and competition law. She assists clients on various aspects of European and Belgian competition law. In particular, she focuses on anti-competitive agreements, abuse of dominance, merger control and state aid. Furthermore, she has experience with litigation, dawn raids and investigations by the Belgian Competition Authority. Read Karolien Van der Putten's full bio.
European Competition Review 2022
By Jacques Buhart, Stéphane Dionnet, Frédéric Pradelles, Hendrik Viaene, Anna Ciesielska, Mary Hecht, Max Küttner, Andrea Otaola, Karolien Van der Putten and Hannelore Wiame on Feb 6, 2023
Posted In Cartel Enforcement, Consumer Protection/Privacy, EC Developments, EU Developments, Mergers & Acquisitions
This Review provides legal counsel and their teams easy reference guidance on essential EU competition law developments covering key areas of law and policy. Topics covered include: Cartels & Restrictive Agreements Abuse of Dominant Position Merger Control State Aid Legislative and Policy Developments Access the special report.
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EU Foreign Subsidies Regulation Enters Into Force in 2023
By Stéphane Dionnet, Hendrik Viaene and Karolien Van der Putten on Jan 9, 2023
Posted In EU Developments, Mergers & Acquisitions
On December 23, 2022, Regulation (EU) 2022/2560 of December 14, 2022 on foreign subsidies distorting the internal market (FSR) was published in the Official Journal of the European Union. The FSR introduces a new regulatory hurdle for M&A transactions in the European Union (EU), in addition to merger control and foreign direct investment screening. The FSR’s...
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Antitrust M&A Snapshot | Q2 2022
By Claire Danberg, Karolien Van der Putten, Jon B. Dubrow, Joel R. Grosberg, Lisa P. Rumin and Hendrik Viaene on Sep 26, 2022
Posted In Consumer Protection/Privacy, DOJ Developments, EC Developments, EU Developments, FTC Developments, Healthcare Antitrust, Mergers & Acquisitions, Monopolization/Abuse of Dominance
In the United States, parties continue to be cautious in litigating challenged transactions. Since January 2021, the US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and Department of Justice (DOJ) filed lawsuits (or threatened to sue) to block 16 transactions. Of those transactions, 12 were abandoned and six are in various stages of litigation. The data suggest that...
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General Court Upholds European Commission’s Power to Review Illumina-Grail Despite Untriggered Turnover Thresholds
By Hendrik Viaene, Karolien Van der Putten and Hannelore Wiame on Jul 28, 2022
Posted In EC Developments, EU Developments, French Developments, Healthcare Antitrust, Mergers & Acquisitions
In Illumina v Commission, the General Court has confirmed the authority of the European Commission (EC) under Article 22 EU Merger Regulation (EUMR) to examine a transaction that does not have a European dimension, but which is the subject of a referral request made by a Member State – even if the transaction is not...
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Digital Markets Act Now Firmly on Its Way
By Hendrik Viaene, Karolien Van der Putten and Hannelore Wiame on Mar 31, 2022
Posted In Brussels Developments, EC Developments, EU Developments
On March 24, 2022 the Council of the EU and the European Parliament reached political agreement on the “Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on contestable and fair markets in the digital sector” (Digital Markets Act or DMA). The political agreement comes just 15 months after the European Commission published its legislative...
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Changes to the Legislative Landscape of Belgian Competition Law
By Hendrik Viaene, Karolien Van der Putten and Hannelore Wiame on Mar 17, 2022
Posted In Brussels Developments, EC Developments
On March 7, 2022, changes to both the Belgian Code of Economic Law (CEL) as well as the Belgian Criminal Code (BCC) were published in the Belgian Official Gazette (Belgisch Staatsblad, Moniteur belge). The main changes include: Introducing a filing fee in notifications of concentrations Folding the rules and formalities relating to leniency programmes in...
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Annual European Competition Review 2021
By Jacques Buhart, Hendrik Viaene, Max Küttner, Karolien Van der Putten, Frédéric Pradelles, Mary Hecht and McDermott Will & Emery on Feb 4, 2022
Posted In Brussels Developments, EC Developments, Energy/Commodities, EU Developments, French Developments, German Developments, Healthcare Antitrust, IP Antitrust, Italian Developments, Mergers & Acquisitions, Monopolization/Abuse of Dominance
In our super-connected age, we are inundated with information. It can be difficult to select what is really relevant to one’s business. The purpose of this Review is to provide legal counsel and their teams easy reference guidance on essential EU competition law developments covering key areas of law and policy, to help keep you...
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EU General Court Clarifies Rules on Gun Jumping
By Hendrik Viaene and Karolien Van der Putten on Oct 18, 2021
Posted In Brussels Developments, EC Developments, EU Developments, Mergers & Acquisitions
On September 22, 2021, the EU General Court (GC) upheld a decision from the European Commission (Commission) by which it fined telecommunications operator Altice for gun jumping (T-425/18, Altice Europe v Commission). In particular, the GC affirmed that the Commission could impose two separate fines: (i) a fine for implementing a concentration prior to its...
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Antitrust M&A Snapshot | Q2 2021
By Graham Hyman, Karolien Van der Putten, Jon B. Dubrow, Joel R. Grosberg and Lisa P. Rumin on Aug 6, 2021
Posted In Agriculture, DOJ Developments, EC Developments, EU Developments, FTC Developments, Mergers & Acquisitions
In the United States, aggressive antitrust enforcement is likely to continue with the appointment of Lina Khan as Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Chair and the nomination of Jonathan Kanter to lead the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) Antitrust Division. The premerger notification landscape continues to shift as filings reach another record high. Technology companies remain in...
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European Commission and National Authorities Take a Stand Against Excessive Pricing by the Pharmaceutical Industry
By Hendrik Viaene and Karolien Van der Putten on May 17, 2021
Posted In Brussels Developments, EC Developments, EU Developments, Healthcare Antitrust
The European Commission and national competition authorities (NCAs) are very actively fighting a number of anticompetitive practices in the pharmaceutical industry. Enforcing the prohibition against excessive pricing has become a particular area of focus for competition authorities in Europe. The European approach to excessive pricing differs from that followed in the United States, where excessive...
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